Featured video by Joni Christian: It Gets Better… Really! When Joni Christian was a little boy, she prayed every day that God would change her into a girl.
The Ursuline High School graduate got her wish with the help of hormone therapy and surgery at age 26. This November marked a milestone for Christian: 36 years as a woman, 10 years longer than she was a male.
The process of gender reassignment, although a seemingly radical transformation, was Christian’s salvation, despite the ridicule, sarcasm and shunning she experienced when she returned to the life she once lived as a man. Women she worked with at General Motors Lordstown assembly plant circulated a petition to keep her out of the restroom; men stared and hurled cruel remarks.
It Gets Better!
posted by Dallas
A Suggestion for WPA...
posted by Dallas
Allowing admission to several people as representatives of the community will be a gesture of good will that will go a long way to improving relations with transgender populations at future symposia locations, will help educate those local populations about WPATH and the Standards of Care, and will hopefully prevent disruption of the symposia by protestors like the one at the 1997 symposium in Vancouver.
Open Letter to IFGE
posted by Dallas
Open Letter to The International Foundation for Gender Education, Inc.
I am grievously, and with good reason, concerned for the well-being of the Winslow Street Fund. I fear it is being plundered by what remains of the International Foundation for Gender Education.
Last fall at Fantasia Fair two trustees of the Winslow Street Fund came to me—separately—and told me they were concerned about the fund’s well-being. They had no idea how much money—if any—was left in the fund’s bank account. Worse, they had heard rumors IFGE was drawing down the fund.