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AEGIS Southern Comfort Giveaway Cookbook (1991)

AEGIS Southern Comfort Giveaway Cookbook (1991)

©1991, 2013 by Dallas Denny

AEGIS, the nonprofit I started, distributed a cookbook to the 250+ attendees of the first Southern Comfort. You can read about and view the cookbook below.






1991 was a heady time. The American Educational Gender Information Service was up and running, and the Southeast was about to have its first trans conference—Southern Comfort.

The cookbook was Margaux Schaffer’s idea, and the design is hers. We placed it the SCC registration packet and every attendee received one.

We hoped to receive recipes and orders for a full-sized cookbook, but only one recipe and one order showed up in our post office box.


Giveaway Cookbook for Southern Comfort 1991 (PDF)

Cookbook Insert Card (PDF)