The WPATH Standards of Care (2005)
©2005, 2013 by Dallas Denny
Source: Denny, Dallas. (2005, 22 September). The Standards of Care of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Paper presented at Southern Comfort Conference, September, 2005.
I’m not sure the WPATH name was on the slideshow when this paper was presented. It was before the time of the name change from The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, so perhaps I used that name.
Here’s the slide show. It pretty much speaks for itself, which is a good thing, since I didn’t keep my notes.
My readers, please note—much changed with the introduction of Version 7 of the Standards of Care. This presentation, and any criticisms I may have had in the past, are obsolete.
Jump to the bottom of the page to view the images in a slide show

Here’s a Slideshow of the Images
Harry Benjamin, M.D.successfully argued for hormonal and surgical treatment of transsexual men and women. HBIGDA was named after him.
Paul Walker, Ph.D. was the principal author of the first draft of the HBIGDA Standards of Care.
John Money, Ph.D. was a psychologist based at Johns Hopkins University. He was a driving force behind the creation of a model gender clinic there. He ended his career in disgrace because he lied about the outcome of a case in which a young boy was reassigned as a girl after a circumcision accident.
Reed also funded the first publication of the still-existing A Course in Miracles.
I repeatedly warned the community about Brown, who did thousands of bad operations on transsexual women.
The WPATH Standards of Care, Version 6
All this has changed dramatically since I made this presentation. My criticisms have gone a long way toward being addressed.
How the Standards of Care Work
Five Elements of Clinical Work
The Top 10 Tasks of the Mental Health Professional
Eligibility vs. Readiness
Therapist Letters
Eligibility Criteria, Hormonal Therapy
Readiness Criteria, Hormonal Therapy
The Real-Life Experience
Eligibility, Genital Surgery
Readiness, Genital Surgery
Where Are they Now?
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