Dallas Denny
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher
Advertise Now
We offer a variety of ways to advertise. You can purchase space on our front page or in any of our posts. You can even have your very own blogpost advertising your business.
We also offer inexpensive listings for professionals, easily accessible from our front page.
Multiple and repeat advertisers are eligible for discounts.
We Offer Our Advertisers The Following Unique Ad Categories
Write Your Own Blogpost Advertising Your Business!
Your post will remain on the front page for one month and will then move backward as new posts appear, but it will remain on the site for as long as Chrysalis exists.
If you wish, you can renew your blogpost ad so it will remain on the front page.
Our charge for your blogpost advertisement is only $75. Your post will remain on the Chrysalis pages for as long as the magazine exists with no additional fees, but you can keep it on the front page for just $25 per month. There is a 20% discount if you wish a second or third blogpost ad. We do not of course charge fees for submissions to the magazine itself. We welcome your articles, stories, photo essays, poetry, essays, videos, and more for consideration for publication.
Send us text and photos and we’ll create your post for you, with up to three photos which we will host on our site. We’ll edit for spelling and grammar and give you a chance to look at and approve the post before it is published. If you wish to prepare your own blogpost (with, for instance, a dozen photos or embedded video), you may do so. Just lay it out in WordPress, then e-mail us the completed HTML code. You may include hyperlinks and video links and photos which you host on your own site. Please don’t embed sound or do fancy HTML tricks, but feel welcome to enhance your layout in any reasonable way.
Professional Listings
- Gender Clinics
- SRS Providers
- Plastic Surgeons
- Voice Surgeons
- Hair Replacement Specialists
- Endocrinologists
- General Practitioners
- Psychiatrists
Our professional listing provides a low-cost and effective way to reach your clients and customers. The list is clickable from Chrysalis‘ front page. Services are arranged by category, with advertisers in alphabetical order by category. For a small additional fee you can highlight your listing or move it to the top of the list or the top of your category. Listings consist of name, photo (if desired), contact information, hyperlink(s) (if desired), your 75-word biography, and a 150-word description of your services. Pricing We offer professional listings for the low price of $15 per calendar year. Ads placed on or after 1 July of any year cost $22.50 and run through the end of the next calendar year. All ads expire at the end of the year. There is a 20% discount for renewals of your professional ad. Additional Options (Price Per Year) $2 BOLD $4 Placement to top of category (BOLD included) $8 Placement to top of list (BOLD included) Positioning for placement services is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Those who pay early will get better positions. Positions are retained so long as ads are renewed; when ads expire and are removed those with lower slots will be advanced. Listings for selected nonprofits are free of charge.
Banner Ads
We offer a limited number of banner ads on the upper right portion of the main page. These are formatted as 180 x 150 pixel (full size) and 180 x 75 pixel (half size) rectangles. Banners don’t cycle; your ad will be visible at all times from the main page. A single click will take potential customers to your website or open an e-mail form (your choice).
20% discounts apply for renewal of one-year banner ads.
Ads In Posts
Top Placement
Your 900 x 200 pixel banner is the first thing the reader will see when the post opens. It will display in open format, with an option for the reader to close it. It will span the width of the post to a depth of 200 pixels, giving you ample room to advertise. Clicking the ad will send the reader to your website or open an e-mail (your choice). Pricing The rate for a top post is only $10. Three posts cost only $25, and you get eight posts for $50. E-mail us about larger quantities. Your ad will remain associated with its post for the life of the magazine. If you prefer your ad be associated with a certain type of post– for example, articles that are related to transition– we’ll do our best to accommodate you. 20% discounts apply to advertisers who renew their top placement ads.
Bottom Placement
Your 900 x 100 pixel banner will display when the reader reaches the end of the article. It will display in open format, with an option for the reader to close it. It will span the width of the post to a depth of 100 pixels, giving you ample room to advertise. Clicking the ad will send the reader to your website or open an e-mail (your choice). Pricing Bottom placement is only $7 per post. Three posts are $15 and we offer eight posts for just $30. Your ad will remain associated with the post for the lifetime of the magazine. If you prefer your ad be associated with a certain type of post– for example, articles that are related to transition– we’ll do our best to accommodate you. The #2 position ( your ad will appear below the first bottom advertisement) is $5/$10/$20 The #3 position is $5/$10/$20. 20% discounts apply to advertisers who renew their bottom placement ads.
You’ll save 10% of your total bill when you purchase two types of ads, 15% when you purchase three types, and 20% when you purchase four or more!
Advertising Standards
We happily accept advertisements of interest to the general population and of special interest to transgendered and transsexual people. The content of our ads has never presented a problem for us before, but we feel we should say we reserve the right to reject ads we deem inappropriate for the magazine. Please, no nudity or vulgarity in your ads.