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They Say (1996)

They Say (1996)

©1996, 2013 by Dallas Denny

Source: Dallas Denny. (1996-1997, Winter). They say. Chrysalis: The Journal of Transgressive Gender Identities, 2(4), p. 4.






Chrysalis Page (PDF)


They Say


They say

“You should be happy with what nature gave you”

They say

“You should be happy with the body you have”

They say this

Through capped teeth

Looking at me through eyeglasses

Breathing through noses resculpted

Their faces lifted by plastic surgeons

Their breasts shaped by bags full of silicone

Their hairlines restored by punch grafts

Their bikini lines shaped by electrolysis

Their appendixes long removed

Their youth preserved post-menopausally by estrogens

Pins in their legs from broken bones

Coronary arteries bypassed

Hearts regulated by Pacemakers

The erections preserved by penile implants or recaptured by Viagra

Their mood altered by alcohol and drugs

They say

“You should be happy with what nature gave you”

“You should be happy with the body you have”


They say

“It is a sin to wear the clothing of the other sex”

They say

“It says so in the Bible”

They say this

While violating all the other proscriptions in Deuteronomy

While wearing clothing of mixed fabrics

While risking God’s wrath by not having a fence on their roof

After eating pork

After eating shellfish

After not stoning to death those who have not respected the Sabbath

And after not respecting the Sabbath themselves

And even though they didn’t put their spouses to death for infidelity like the Good Book says they ought

They say

“The rest of Deuteronomy we can conveniently ignore

But not the part about crossdressing”

“It is a sin to wear the clothing of the other sex”

“It says so in the Bible”


They say

“By changing your body you are perpetuating binary gender norms”

“By dressing as the other sex you are empowering the patriarchy”

They say this

While carefully perpetuating binary gender norms themselves

After painstakingly studying their appearance in the mirror

To make sure they’re not too butch

To make sure they’re not too femme

After making sure they transgress gender norms just enough

So everyone will know they’re “really” a man

So everyone will know they’re “really” a woman

They say

“By changing your body you are perpetuating binary gender norms”

“By dressing as the other sex you are empowering the patriarchy”


They say

“You should conform to our expectations”

They say

“You should be what we want and need you to be”

While they, on the other hand

Feel free to be whatever they want to be

Their parade rained on only, of course

By genderqueers like me