Second Life Song (2006)

Words and music ©2006, 2013 by Dallas Denny & Cheyenne Palisades
Source: Dallas Denny (as Cheyenne Palisades). (2006). Second Life song. Unpublished.
In October, 2006, while on Cape Cod for Fantasia Fair, my friends Bill and Pam Leffler told me about the virtual world Second Life®. There, they said, you could fly. There, they said, you could create things. There, they said, you could make live music. There, they said, you could earn money and turn it into real-life dollars. There, they said, Bill made and sold virtual guitars, and there they performed as the duo Bill & Pam. Between the guitar store and their live virtual performance, they estimated they were clearing $500 USD a month.
I was intrigued. As soon as I returned home I created a Second Life account and logged in. Some of my friends would say I’ve not yet logged out.
My Second Life led me in directions I didn’t anticipate– for instance, I met the love of my real life there– but when I was new in Second Life I thought I might try performing live. I never got around to it, but using my avatar name as a nom de plume, I did write two songs about my experiences. This is the first. I wrote it my first week in world.
Check Out Chey’s (My) Blog about Second Life
Second Life Song (128 kbps MP3)
Second Life Song Lyrics
Second Life Song
By Cheyenne Palisades
I have a life in the real world
It’s been mine for quite a few years
As lives goes it isn’t a bad one
With its share of laughter and tears
But I know a place that is special
Where sometimes myself I do go
I sit myself at my computer
Log on and I’m ready to go
To a new place
With a new face
Touching the sky
Anything I can imagine
And best of all
I can fly
I have a purse full of Lindens
I’m looking to pick up some land
Where I’ll build a Garden of Eden
And teleport in all of my friends
To a new place
With a new face
Embracing the sky
Anything they can imagine
And best of all
They can fly
New place
New face
I touch the sky
Anything I can imagine
And best of all
I can fly
Now, I’ve been so long at the keyboard
I think my butt’s stuck to the chair
I need to go to the bathroom
My boyfriend has had an affair
I called in sick to the office
And I had to pawn all my bling
So Cheyenne could spend thousands of Lindens
So she will look good when she sings
In a new place
With a new face
Touching the sky
Anything she can imagine
And best of all
She can fly
And best of all
She can fly
Images from My Second Life