Christine Jorgensen and MTF Articles, Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality (2015)

©2013 by Dallas Denny and Wiley-Blackwell
Source: Dallas Denny. (2015). Christine Jorgensen. In Patricia Whelehan & Anne Bolin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human sexuality. Wiley-Blackwell.
Source: Dallas Denny. (2015). Female-to-Male. In Patricia Whelehan & Anne Bolin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human sexuality. Wiley-Blackwell.
The editors of Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality asked me to contribute two articles– one an entry on Christine Jorgensen and the second on male-to-female identities and behavior. The entries are in. The book is on track for 2013 publication. After some time has elapsed, I’ll ask permission from Wiley-Blackwell to print them here. Hopefully, they will say yes.