Should Be Any Time Now (A Paranoia) (1984)
©1984 by Dallas Denny
Source: Dallas Denny. (1984). Should be any time now: A paranoia. Unpublished poem.
I first had the idea for this poem in the 1960s, when my brother and I traded cars. He got my 1961 Chevy, which I should have kept, and I got his 1961 Volkswagen bug.
It occurred to me that I was driving around in a car my country had warred with not all that many years ago. I thought, what if someone is holding a grudge.
By the time I got around to writing it wasn’t German products that were flooding the market, but Japanese– so I switched from one former Axis power to another. The bizarre reasoning of the poem’s protagonist in no way reflects my own feelings about either German or Japanese people. It’s just a poem.
Should Be Any Time Now
A Paranoia by Dallas Denny
Some might call it
Economic warfare
I think it’s more direct than that
Let’s walk a little further away
From that Sony television set
Our generals were surprised
When they gave up
After we hurled only
A few kilotons of man made
Fire-hurricane at them
Surrender is their ultimate dishonor
It demands ritual self—sacrifice
I hope you’re not carrying
A Walkman on your person
Now they’re Westernized
Wearers of leisure suits
And wing-tip shoes
They became businessmen
Merchandisers of electronic trinkets
They make it better
Sell it cheaper
Than we can or will
Tape recorders and wristwatches
Transistorized terrors
Something they make
Will be within your very sight as you read this
Do you truly understand
What your computer games
Your stereo receivers
Have inside them
I thought you didn’t
Somewhere in Tokyo
In a secret war room
(Or maybe in a corporate board room)
There is a master button
Linked by radio waves
With all those
Television sets and Toyotas
And someday one of them
Will push that button
You’d better buy American
Some might call it
Economic warfare
I think it’s more direct than that