Dallas Blogs
Dallas Blogs is my all-purpose, any topic blog. I write about things I consider important or interesting or that I feel need to be said. It’s the newest of my blogs, and it’s hosted here on this website.
I write a number of blogs and maintain a FLICKR page which aren’t hosted on this site.
Pine Lake: The Blog is filled with thousand of photographs taken with my Canon Digital Rebel SLR. Chey’s Second Life Blog and my FLICKR site contain thousand of images I captured with my virtual (Second Life) camera. I’m not sure which camera I like best!
Pine Lake: The Blog
Just eleven miles from downtown Atlanta, tiny Pine Lake (population 800) is like girl scout camp, forested and cool. The town was started in the 1930s as a lake resort for Atlantans and maintains an early Twentieth century small-town feel. Once considered remote from the city, today Pine Lake is enviously close in. The lake and federally protected wetlands support a wide variety of wildlife, unique houses, and unique people.
Visit Pine Lake: The Blog
Chey’s Second Life Blog (With Bonus Sweetie!)
In 2006 I began blogging about Linden Lab’s three-dimensional virtual world Second Life©, using my avatar’s name. Cheyenne’s blog is often screaming funny, sometimes deadly serious, and occasionally informative. Choose from thousands of posts.Visit Chey’s Second Life Blog
Here’s a blog about my store in Second Life
Visit Flights of Fancy Creations
Here’s my blog (with avatar Exuberance LaFleur) of tips and tricks for Second Life
Visit Tweaktocracy
And here’s my blog with free scripts for residents of Second Life
(Scripts use a programming language similar to C++ to animate objects)
Full Perm: Free Scripts For You
My Second Life FLICKR Site
Second Life is a remarkable medium for photographers. The photo at left could well be a painting by Impressionist Claude Monet.
You can find several hundred of my favorite virtual photographs on my FLICKR page.
The Lips are Moving
I was unable to resist. I had to blog about politicians.
I do my best to roast political bad actors for their lies, skulduggery, bufoonery, cynicism, and plain old meanness.