The conference I’m talking about is the Moving Trans* History Forward Symposium held 21-23 March, 2014 at the University of Victoria on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The event was put together by founder and academic director of the archives Aaron Devor and his highly competent team. About 100 trans and supportive theorists, historians, activists, and scholars attended.
CQ Flashback: 1991
posted by Dallas
1991 saw two remarkable documents for the trans community: the Gender Activist Declaration of Independence, produced and distributed by Napa, CA’s short-lived Gender Activist League and JoAnn Roberts’ Bill of Gender Rights. Both are remarkable documents.
CQ Flashback: 1991
posted by Dallas
The second issue of Chrysalis contained Holly Boswell’s groundbreaking article, The Transgender Alternative. Published simultaneously in Chrysalis and IFGE’s Tapestry in early 1991, Holly argued for an alternative to the existing “careers” of transsexual, crossdresser, and drag queens.
First Contact
posted by Dallas
My first contact with the transgender community was with Virginia Prince. I reproduce here my letter to her, written in 1980, and her reply.