Why We Need Gender N...

I would hate to see the English language left without pronouns that differentiate between one person and many.

Hatin’ on Caitlyn Jun06

Hatin’ on Cait...

Caitlyn Jenner is my hero in the way all trans people are my heroes.

Bad Decision? Maybe. Sep09

Bad Decision? Maybe.

Move Southern Comfort Conference to Fort Lauderdale after 23 Years in Atlanta? It’s either crazy or it’s not.

THE+ Conference Forms Sep09

THE+ Conference Forms

New Trans* Conference in Atlanta. Focus will be on health education, and service to a broad spectrum of trans* people and their families, including people of color and trans children and their parents.

Gender Hurts: First Look Jun05

Gender Hurts: First Look

Sheila Jeffreys’ work, while essentially mirroring that of Raymond, doesn’t sound quite so bizarre. She is a far better writer than Raymond, and as such might have written a far more insidious and dangerous book. I don’t know that. I have only skimmed the work. I can say, however, that having quickly looked over Jeffreys’ book, it is a nasty, one-sided political hack job.