The Rise and Fall of...

Our trans community, and many other American communities, face a grave threat.

Why I Love Fantasia Fair Oct28

Why I Love Fantasia ...

I love trans events and have been involved with launching a few of them, but I’m especially proud of my association with Fantasia Fair. If you come you will see me there, every year, for as long as I’m able.

Hatin’ on Caitlyn Jun06

Hatin’ on Cait...

Caitlyn Jenner is my hero in the way all trans people are my heroes.

Gender Hurts: First Look Jun05

Gender Hurts: First Look

Sheila Jeffreys’ work, while essentially mirroring that of Raymond, doesn’t sound quite so bizarre. She is a far better writer than Raymond, and as such might have written a far more insidious and dangerous book. I don’t know that. I have only skimmed the work. I can say, however, that having quickly looked over Jeffreys’ book, it is a nasty, one-sided political hack job.

Identified! May13


The photos in Casa Susanna have until now been unattributed. Now we know Andrea Susan took most of the pictures.