Malesoulmakeup May05


Malesoulmakeup calls itself a queer culture blog, but it leans heavily toward gender transgression. There are lots of images and there’s heavy coverage of pop culture and gender-bending celebrities.

Norman Spack: How I Help Transgender Teens Apr28

Norman Spack: How I Help Transgender Teens

Boston Endocrinologist Norman Spack is a pioneer in the use of puberty-delaying hormones in trans-identified children in North America. In this TED talk he describes why he undertook this work.

Using Character as a Literary Device

Nowhere in modern literature do stereotypical gender roles clash with modern theories and evolve more fluently on the page than in Pat Conroy’s novels and memoir. Conroy contrasts male and female gender stereotypes with his new characters and employs his characters as literary devices to suggest changes in gender roles.

Let’s Get Real About Celebrity Apr23

Let’s Get Real...

The opinions expressed herein are those of the author, who chooses to remain anonymous. If you, the reader, wishes to know her name, e-mail me (you can do so from the Help & Contact Tab on the Chrysalis main page. She has given me permission to disclose it to those who ask.

The Tri-Ess Wars Apr22

The Tri-Ess Wars

I wrote this in October, 2013 and prepared it for publication here, but never actually posted it. Yesterday, I came across it in draft. I gave it a read-through and it’s ready for prime time—or as ready as it’s ever going to get, anyway.

My Take on the Trans 100 List Apr21

My Take on the Trans...

Let me be clear: I am impressed by the individuals who made the Trans 100 lists for 2013 and 2014. I know many of them and have followed the work of others for years. They are sincere, dedicated, and talented people who have a desire to help others and do so with energy and integrity.

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy Apr17

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy

The madness never leaves. It festers under the surface like an infected sore.

Why I Must Come Out Apr05

Why I Must Come Out

View Geena Rocera’s inspiring TED Talk!

Moving Trans* History Forward Symposium Mar29

Moving Trans* History Forward Symposium

The conference I’m talking about is the Moving Trans* History Forward Symposium held 21-23 March, 2014 at the University of Victoria on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The event was put together by founder and academic director of the archives Aaron Devor and his highly competent team. About 100 trans and supportive theorists, historians, activists, and scholars attended.

CQ Flashback: 1991 Dec14

CQ Flashback: 1991

1991 saw two remarkable documents for the trans community: the Gender Activist Declaration of Independence, produced and distributed by Napa, CA’s short-lived Gender Activist League and JoAnn Roberts’ Bill of Gender Rights. Both are remarkable documents.

CQ Flashback: 1991 Dec14

CQ Flashback: 1991

The second issue of Chrysalis contained Holly Boswell’s groundbreaking article, The Transgender Alternative. Published simultaneously in Chrysalis and IFGE’s Tapestry in early 1991, Holly argued for an alternative to the existing “careers” of transsexual, crossdresser, and drag queens.

Interesting Reads Oct30

Interesting Reads

Here are two interesting reads from the Internets.